Monday 29 October 2012

True Love!!!!!!

This is another true story that happened around me. The names and characters have changed. So have the events dates but the underlying story remains intact.

I had known Om since my childhood days. He was a very introvert, and yet amiable person to hang out with. It was pretty difficult to understand what he was thinking or what his emotions were. The events that I am about to describe took place between 2003-2009. Om had never really fallen in love with any girl, at least he never really told he loved anyone. But from his behavior and after knowing him over the years I knew that he wass hiding something from me. So one fine day I caught hold of him and after giving him some emotional punches, he opened up. He was in love with Puja. He met Puja in his tuition classes and they had instantly became friends. Puja was an exact opposite of Om. Outgoing, fun loving, extrovert are some words she can be described by.

Om: Man she is really beautiful. But what I love about her is her bubbly character. She is so innocent. 
Me: Innocent is the last word I will attach to her. With 3 boyfriends already dumped by her how can she be innocent? And you didn't get anyone in this world except her to fall in love?
Om: I don't believe she can really do all that. I think these are the hoaxes created by those who could not get her. They are jealous. Simple.
Me: Come on Om how can so many people be wrong at the same time and about the same person?
Om: They can be. Forgot the monkey-man incidents? Place one hoax among people and people end up crating a hundred by themselves.

That is how much Om was in love with Puja that he was hell bent on defending her.
Puja on the other hand seemed to have a different game to play. She would come out of her home on the pretext of meeting Om (Om was already introduced by Puja to her family as a very nice friend and her family too approved of him because of his nature) and would go to meet her new boyfriend.
She even went ahead and asked Om to come along to take her to meet her boyfriends. And Om would happily agree.

Me: How can you do this man? Don't you feel hurt?
Om: Hurt? Not at all. On the contrary I am glad because I get to spend atleast some time with her during our journeys. (With a broad grin)
Me: Oh come on man this can't be true. You don't feel strange at all?
Om: No. See I fell in love with her but didn't ask her to fall in love with me. Simple. So i can't really complaint.
Me: Does she even know that you love her?
Om: yes she knows very well.
ME; That means she is just using you.
Om; Oh comeon, only because she knows doesn;t mean that she has to love me. She is an independent person and has the right to choose her partner. Now you go and don't irritate me.

That was Om. Too much in love with Puja to see that she was taking advantage of Om. I tried many a times to make him see reason, but he won't listen. For him Puja could do no wrong to him.

Then one fine day (around 2006 august) Om came to me. With tears in his eyes and literally trembling.

Me: Hey man what happened? Where are you coming from?
Om: Just handed over a pregnancy testing kit to Puja.
Me: What?? You did ...... wait a minute, she doesn't even love you and ..... how did it happen?
Om: Arey not me yaar. She had sex with her present boy friend. 

Me: then why did you give her the kit?
Om: Simple yaar, she is scared. I needed to do this.

I was flabbergasted. Speechless. Can anyone be so much in love with a girl  that he would go to such extent? But his eyes told a different story. he was not crying, but he was sad. I didn't want to increase his pain. So didn't probe further. But I could see a visible difference in him. He spoke less of Puja.

It was Durga Puja of the year 2006, maha Dashami. I was in the procession which was headed to Murad nagar canal where we usually immersed the idols. Om came up to me and said that he too wanted to join in. I was surprised as he never went before. So he tagged along. I did see a plastic bag in his hand which looked pretty heavy. So I asked him, "what is in this bag?".
"Nothing much. Just my past.". That is all he answered.

Along with the idols he threw the contents of the plastic bag in the river. The contents were his personal diaries, some letters he wrote for Puja but never gave her, a couple of roses he brought for Puja but never gave her, and a Pic of Puja.

It was March 2007 when Om one day came to my house and told me that a girl named Isha had been in touch with him for a couple of years and she had suddenly proposed him.

Om was just laughing his heart out and frankly after a long time I could see the smile and charm back into him. I was also very happy.

Isha had been our classmate from school times. Even I knew her though just knew her name and nothing more than that. Isha had been secretly loving Om is something of a shocker for both me and Om but then it was ok.

Om was working with a software company in Noida and was earning well. He told his parents about Isha and though initially they hesitated, but later they too acknowledged his choice. Everything was going fine. Om and Isha were the talks of my friend circle. Isha's parents too were happy and then something happened.

One fine day, in September 2009 to be precise, Isha told Om that she was not feeling comfortable in this relation and she wanted to walk out of it. Om just couldn't react. he didn't know what to say. Isha just went out of his life. Om almost went crazy. He asked the reason, but never really got one. (It was later me who figured out that she went back to her previous boyfriend. Now don;t ask me how I cracked her email password and read all her chats for that I am not gonna tell you!!!!)

Om was back to his silent ways again.
To distract himself he went for the JEST exam and got selected. Right now he is at IISc Bangalore doing his PhD in Theoretical Computer science. (It was me who inspired him to go for this exam)

PS: A few days back Om called up to tell me that both Puja and Isha had emailed him on the same day to "touch base with him". On asking what he is doing. He just replied, "trying to touch base with them, though this time I know that Computers are my girl friends who will never betray me".

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