Sunday 7 April 2013

A thought on women empowerment.

I hate injustice and inequality whether meted out to me or anyone else; but specifically against women.

Being a man when I can clearly see that our society is deeply unjust in its way of treating women why can't others see? Specially women themselves???!!!!

My biggest challenge is my own mother. Sorry to say but she at times display the same mental set up which is displayed by the egotistic unjust people of our society in the name of culture and parampara. Trust me this PARAMPARA is one word which has been grossly misused just the way JIHAD has been grossly misused.

The other day I had a big time fight with my mom. And the issue was as usual the rights of my wife. What infuriated me most was that being a woman herself my mom failed badly in upholding the very basic rights that my wife should enjoy.

I sat down calming myself and thinking what to do next. I think somehow the solution lies in making women empowered for upholding their own rights rather than trying to convince men is the real solution.

There should be charter which should read like this.

1. Every woman is first the child of her parents; sister of her siblings and then wife of her husband and at last daughter-in-law of in-laws. That should be always the hierarchy of how a woman should have her rights. And this should not change even after marriage. In fact its real meaning starts after marriage only.

2. A woman is an independent entity and should have the right to voice her opinions as well as refuse what she thinks is unjust or improper which includes sexual advances made by her husband.

3. Most importantly a wife should have a say in every household related matter which generally seems to be a male bastion.

4. Men have to understand that even if a wife is a HOUSEWIFE, that work in itself is one of the most difficult multitasking jobs in the world. Being a housewife is no easy job. It is rather a very thankless job.

5. If a woman after marriage wants to work, she should be supported as mush as possible. Everyone has the right to be self reliant. And the best part is women can actually be amazing home maker cum professional; something men can't even think of becoming ever.

6. Education is not the birth right of males only. Women are equally entitled for it and they can, given proper opportunities, outshine men in every field.

Empowerment starts from our homes. Husbands have an extra responsibility to understand the needs of their wives and work accordingly. It is a husband's responsibility to judge a situation by ANALYSIS and LOGIC and not by what his parents and family has to say. I am not asking husbands to go against their parents but remember what Sri Krishna said in Gita, "In the war of truth and dharma there are only two categories, those who follow dharma and those who are against it. Doesn't matter if they are your family members even."

Same case here. A JIHAD has to be fought. A holy war against age old malpractices and injustices against females and as I have always said, CHARITY HAS TO BEGIN AT HOME.

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